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The Traveling Wilburys

The Traveling Wilburys - The Traveling Wilburys, Vol. 3

The Traveling Wilburys - The Traveling Wilburys, Vol. 3

Regular price $28.50 USD
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Shortly after the release of the Traveling Wilburys' first album, Roy Orbison died suddenly of a heart attack. The remaining Wilburys, choosing not to discover a previously missing "sixth" brother, released 1990's VOLUME THREE as a quartet. (There was no second volume; the band members joked that it had already been deleted.) A brief and easy-going album with a markedly low-key sound, VOLUME THREE is largely dominated by Bob Dylan and Tom Petty, who had played more supporting roles on the first album. Highlights include the rocking opener, "She's My Baby," and George Harrison's social comment, "The Devil's Been Busy."

  • Genre: Pop
  • Format: Vinyl
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